I’ve said before, many times actually, that I would never, ever like anyone who didn’t like Twilight. Well, that theory has been debunked. I recently met an extremely interesting, funny, kind, loving, thoughtful, smart (insert other positive adjectives here) …person who hates Twilight. Like, throws up in her mouth when I talk about it hates it. She is a writer as well, so we did have something in common right of the bat, but there was more to it for me. She is one of those folks that people just want to be around. Now, she is the stereotype I mentioned before. Sad, been through a lot, has a hard time with happy, but she holds all of that on the inside. On the outside she is just cool. Just, John Travolta in Grease, Patrick Swayze in the Outsiders, cool.
I’m rather shocked to be honest, I never thought I’d see the day but she is the other half of my spectrum. I am romantic to a fault. Love never fails, it’s all for love, believe in love…all of that. She is a love is Santa Clause for adults, be a realist, kind of person. She balances me out, and balances my writing out. We are working on some things together, just hashing out ideas right now, but they are going to be good. I can already tell. She’s into screenplays and such and with her unyielding pessimism and my undying optimism, it should be just my kind of verbal schizophrenia.
Well if she DOESN'T like Twilight, I like her. I'm sorry but I'm with your friend re: love, Santa, etc.