See your scars as proof that you made it…not evidence that you almost didn’t.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Eclipse Review....

Let me start off by saying this is just the opinion of one girl and I am aware that others may feel differently. Opinions welcome.

Overall, I would give Eclipse 3 out of 5 stars. The movie alone was good. The effects were great, the action was edge of your seat, and the romance was steamy. But as a movie based on my favorite book ever, in the history of EVER, it fell flat for me. The first fifteen minutes of the movie covers the first twelve chapters of the book. To me, it was rushed and they didn’t allow the dynamics between Bella, Edward, and Jacob to build as much as they could have. They left out the first ‘bed scene’ and that is one of my favorite parts of the book. Also, it is impossible to watch this movie and not fall in love with Jacob. He is totally different in the book, almost like a whiney, annoying little kid. In the movie, he is funny, suave, debonair, and…HOT. They very much downplay Edward and his compassion and utter admiration towards Bella. I never once faltered in the series, Team Edward 100%. Watching the movies, I’m Team Jacob, or maybe it’s Team Taylor. That would make more sense.

At the end of the day, I am and always will be a fan of the series but I am not particularly happy with the commercialization of it all. They have gotten away from the heart of the matter and that is the love between Bella and Edward. All of the other stuff that happens is just background noise. Her words, the words that Stephenie wrote in that book, are what moved me to my core and what will stay in my heart for the rest of my life. I like seeing the characters represented on the big screen but they haven’t lived up to the beautiful love story that played in my head when I read the books. Here’s hoping Breaking Dawn will be better.
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Thursday, June 24, 2010

New York, New York

I’m sitting in the window seal of my hotel room on the thirty-second floor of The Grand Hyatt in New York. The window opens just enough to let the noise from the streets and a small breeze come through and I feel the wind blow my hair while I listen to the horns honk.



It is my first trip to New York.

I had to work in the office all day today but yesterday Maria took me all over the city, to Central Park and on about fifteen different subways. This is her town. It reminds me of her even though she had to leave today. The fast pace, the drive. Everything about the city makes me think of her.


The weather is perfect. It feels like Florida during a cool snap in March. Crisp air with just enough of a chill to make the hair on your arms stand up. And the wind! I didn’t think there would be any wind but it whips around the buildings constantly blowing. I haven’t been overly impressed with the food and would probably let someone pull one of my fingernails out right about now for a glass of sweet tea and a slawdog but I will not leave without having some authentic New York cheese cake…damnit. I did, however, have the best time ever last night singing karaoke with the CMO of my company. Grease, Summer Loven. Oh yeah.

I’m having a good time but I could never live here. I’m a country girl at heart, wide open spaces and all that. I love falling asleep to the sound of a whippoorwill and waking to the morning sun peaking in over the trees. I like people that say “yes ma’am” when you ask them a question and “I’m sorry” when they run into you. I like dirt roads and bugs. A very wise (and handsome) man once said to me, “you have to be happy where you live and everything else will fall into place.” He speaks the truth. When I board the plane home tomorrow, I’ll be going back to what makes me happy. I’m sure I’ll be back, NYC. Try not to miss this country girl too much.
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